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Product list :

Pineapple juice & puree

For further processing with “liquids”  is meant, processed fruits whereby the solid part is reduced to small particles and mixed with the liquid of the fruit to form a more or less uniform substance. 
The “liquids” sold by Tropfin will be further processed by e.g. juice bottling companies. Therefore delivery is mainly done in bulk pack: 200 litre drum. Alternative ways of packing the raw materials: 20 litre carton.



The quality of pineapple juices may vary widely as pineapples are processed on several continents and from several varieties. The variety mostly used to process into juice is Smooth Cayenne. Other varieties are e.g. Queen, Sugarloaf and White Perola. Difference in sensory, chemical and physical characteristics may also come from variations in agricultural practices, soil and weather conditions



The pineapple juice (concentrate) blends are kept with agreed limits for: e.g. brix, acidity ratio, pulp percentage, taste and colour. For some customers this is not sufficient : pineapple juice is vulnerable to loose its typical taste and colour. Also lack of vitamins and quick sedimentation of the pulp are commonly seen in pineapple juice arriving from origin. Optionally, these “defects” can be repaired by adding e.g. vitamins, pectins, pineapple fibres and FTNF pineapple aroma to the blend.



The blending of Pineapple juice (concentrate) is mainly done in the Netherlands and is supervised by a qualified team of professionals. Before releasing to the customers, the blend is checked on a basic set of parameters, which can be extended upon customer’s request. From every blend a back up sample is taken, which is kept for a minimum period of 1 year.


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